2019/7/26 Peach Fest – Friday

Infamous Stringdusters (8,299 steps / 90 min = 92 step/min average) 2:00 – 3:30

Left camp at 12:14 and got to the Peach Stage with 13 minutes to spare before the bluegrass rager that was the Infamous Stringdusters at 2 pm. In a set riddled with GD teases (Reuben & Cerise, Truckin’, Wharf Rat, He’s Gone – full version with lyrics, West LA), a few Phish licks and choice covers, these Grammy award winning artists took the Peach by storm. I got my first music-related goosies 34 minutes in and my festival was off to the races. I took this set from the front row, cuz why not, eventually to be joined by Andy Frasco rocking out right next to me. It had been my plan to leave a few minutes early to catch Cory Wong, but the music Gods wouldn’t hear of it. So at 3:30 on the button, in a perfectly scheduled and on time 90 minute set, I headed over to…

Cory Wong (5,917 steps / 68 min = 87 step/min avg.) 3:45 – 4:53

Playing on the Mushroom Stage, nestled in to the water park between the Toilet Bowl water slide and the wave pool, Cory Wong threw down the funk in the afternoon sun. Damn, I love afternoon sets in the hot summer sun. With 3 horns, delicious bass lines, and funk-laden synth, this party was a heater on the edge of the wave pool where I would soon need to take a dip. Towards the end of the set, there was a key solo eventually joined by the full band and into a Cory solo that was totally a moment. One of those, “yeah, I just saw that” things. Cory also left his typical stage banter behind and just played for the entirety of his set which was a preferred change of pace. Again joined by Andy Frasco for a great set, the last 30 minutes in particular really had me drenched so I took the aforementioned dip and headed to the complete opposite side of the grounds, through the pavilion where I ignored Blues Traveler playing Hook to check out… 

The Kitchen Dwellers (6,322 steps / 56 min = 112 steps/min avg.) 5:34 – 6:30

Thankfully, the sun was behind me for this set and directly in the band’s faces who didn’t seem to mind. I’m a sun guy but spent the entirety of the set hiding under a scarf. Finally shook that pesky Andy Frasco and raged some more bluegrass on Live for Live Music stage, practically cut into the side of the mountain. These hep cats from Montana really played a super fun high energy set that I left a few minutes early to catch… 

moe. (1,189 steps / 51 min = 23 steps/min) 6:33 – 7:24

Back on the Peach Stage, I hate to admit it but my legs were a little weary so I took in the majority of this set from a seat. The sound of the vibraphone is always so welcoming and had me in a little bit of a trance. I was literall reflecting that moe. was giving off a particularly distinct ABB vibe which got me out of my seat as I wondered if they were playing to the Peach and –  bam! – they emerged from that sweet little jam into Mountain Jam. Sick! Got going a few minutes early to head back to the water park to see…

Dopapod (4,005 steps / 51 min = 79 steps/min) 7:48 – 8:39

Along the way, I ran into a friend named Mike who I met one year ago at this same fest during JRAD’s set. I had been noticing his scarf and complimented the same as he reached into his bag of tricks and gifted me the scarf I’ve been wearing ever since. He was wearing the exact same one yesterday so we shared a few laughs and great pics as I caught up with his wife and kids for a bit. You can’t make this stuff up. We’ve seen each other a few times since last summer and have a bunch of friends in common so these 20 minutes spent shooting the shit were a literal highlight of my day. 

Now, on to Dopapod which I took off my shoes for and enjoyed from the wave pool. Full on jazz-tronic dance party. Mid-set I had a hankering to get on the big Hurricane water slide so I did cuz, again, why not?!? While I have no familiarity whatsoever with their catalog, a song obviously called Trapper Keeper knocked me on my ass. That seemed a good way to leave on a high note so I headed back to the Peach Stage for…

String Cheese Incident (4,303 steps / 43 min = 100 steps/min) 8:49 – 9:31

There’s a reason these guys headlined both Thursday and Friday with 3 sets between the 2 nights. I walked into the pavilion with a GA ticket and somehow managed to grab a full 8 person box completely to myself. I used every square inch of space to make these 43 minutes a personal highlight in a day full of personal highlights. I was thrilled to see River Dance, perhaps my favorite of their songs. Scott Sharrard joined the band for the last two songs, one of which was a ripping Southbound. Man, these guys get it as we all surrendered to the Peach. 

I was literally spent and so grateful not to be moving during set break that I took zero actual steps for the next 32 minutes until the start of the next set (10:03 – 10:57). My only movement was to use my scarf as a sarong (the gift that keeps on giving) and change out of my wet bathing suit – aaaahhhh! I was spent…physically, spiritually, and emotionally…and had no more steps to give. Okay, I rallied ever so briefly to find another 2,068 steps but I was done. I had avoided peeing for the last 2 hours so at 10:57 when I could wait no longer, I headed for the exit because the main stage bathroom situation sucks and also to beat a potential shuttle line.

Boarded a shuttle immediately where the bus driver was playing Lunatic Fringe and was in my car at 11:12. 

50,252 steps on the day, including an early morning 5k which I definitely could’ve skipped.

Getting in the shower to rinse, repeat, and hit the water park during Ghost Light before I spend the day at the main stage for Lettuce > Greensky > TAB x2 > JRAD. Mind about to be blown. I actually spent most of the day alone yesterday which was fine as my pace was torrid. Hope to see more of you today!